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Yo What up Robards Burgers? go to the new site:


Foftball.  A game of Kings.  I have been drawing diagrams for the past 6 years in attempts to give people a visual idea of what Charlz Allen Memorial Field (CAMF, "The Chucky") looks like.  Well now, we have these pictures taken during the most recent foftball game.  Anybody interested in playing or coming to watch a game, WE HAVE BLEACHERS! (max. capacity approx 18), feel free to contact me, or just show up in my backyard, we'll keep you posted on possible game days and times.

Please don't Leave blank messages in the guestbook!  The URL for the guestbook is: www.foursh.iwarp.com/fsguestbook.html,

if you just want to look at it, then please go there instead of leaving a big blank space!  Or type something in!

Foftball Game Schedule

We had some great games over the winter break, there will hopefully be some random weekend games before spring break when the field will be shut down temporarily for maintanence purposes.


Many Records were set over the break- here they are:

Darkest Game

Snowiest Game

First Game to end in a Tie

3-runner in first ever at-bat (Steve Lesniak)

Lowest combined point total in Common Era (29)

Most defensive outs recorded for a team (17- Steve Haack)

We played with a NERF ball inside a blue sock

Most waves ridden (12- Phrank Styzek)

And the Following Players made their Foftball debuts:

Steve Haack, Steve Lesniak, George Whitten, Tommy Van Eck, Brett McWherter, and Brett McWherter's friend.



The Foftball shirts have come in, and are $12 each.  If you haven't gotten one, and would like to, there can be reorders, or maybe we have extras, just ask.

Thousand Island Salad Dressing!!!!


Too Much Slove
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting!!!!
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